Friday, February 20, 2009

Quick-takes on President Obama in Canada

Ottawa felt the love. Obama felt the love.
The press conference was...a press conference. I thought of Mario Cuomo--the former governor of New York and one of the few governors cut from Presidential cloth who never pursued the office--saying you campaign in poetry and govern in prose.
Ignatieff, leader of the opposition, shared with Obama that Canada's presence in Afghanistan is strategically adrift. How refreshing to hear that named.
The focus has to shift. The real Obama story is no longer Obama but what gathers around him: crowds, fans, adorers expressing their adoration. Harness that energy...and then look out.
Didn't it look like our Prime Minister felt the glow of Obama?
One member of the crowd, when asked by the reporter what one question she would ask Obama, said "How can I help?" That's it. What is coaslescing around Obama is energy trying to figure out how to apply itself to making a difference. We want to remake the world; we know it needs re-making; tell us how.
When he deviates from the planned travel route--a la his spontaneous visit to the Byward Market--even I cringe a bit, as I imagine the Secret Service must. No, I don't think anything would happen up here. But in the States...He loves crowds. ...Who wants to consider this possibility? I don't.
Astounding to see footage of Bush's last visit to Ottawa juxtaposed with the Obama visit. The crowds--such anger in one, such love in the other.
Prediction: Canada's love for Obama will outlast the United States'.
Tell us how. If only his fans can collectively let go of waiting for his answer and, instead, get to work...


Don Argus said...

So Ken,
Did Canada feel jilted when Gordon Brown came to the States, insisting on a "special relationship" betwen the US and the UK?

Border Mongrel said...

No no. Since courting the States--but never too vigourously--is a Canadian tradition, the Canucks understand when some other blokes want to insist on their special relationship with Uncle Sam. And,of course, Canada is confident of its own relationship with England because it has remained a loyal son/daughter of the Commonwealth, and knows that England is simply too far away to be on intimate terms with Uncle Sam. Canada goes to bed with him every night.